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About Nicole

Nicole Amsler

“I’m a regular participant and supporter of NaNoWriMo. I have completed seven novels and countless short stories, including my published collection, Moving Violations during the National Novel Writing Month. My writing can best be described as Midwestern Dysfunction.

I’ve been published in several magazines and on hundreds of websites. Short stories have won contests at Dayton Daily News, WOW! Women on Writing, NYC Midnight, and have been included in anthologies.

I am also the co-founder and Lieutenant General of the Gal’s Guide to the Galaxy, a non-profit group for the empowerment and education of women and girls.

On a personal level, I am an avid reader, traveler, and cook. I enjoy cosplaying, attending conventions, and watching Marvel movies with my family. A gypsy at heart, I currently live in Indiana with my husband, teenage son and daughter, and my borrowed daughter from Germany.

Copyright  2024 Nicole Amsler • Copywriter by day… Fiction writer by night